1. Global Rainbow Foundation (GRF)
We are grateful to Prof. Armoogum Parsuramen (G.O.S.K), Founder-President of the Global Rainbow Foundation for having taken a laudable initiative to empower organisations working in the field of disability in Mauritius. In February 2013, the President of Society for Living Angels attended an intensive course on “Understanding Learning Difficulties” held at Amar Jyoti Rehabilitation and Research Centre, Delhi in collaboration with the Global Rainbow Foundation. This course has been an eye-opener, with a very good blend of theory from well-known Indian specialists in the field of disability and field visits to several organisations doing great work for disabled people. This course has definitely helped us to get a clearer vision of what we want to achieve and gain better knowledge to develop our action plan.
2. Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions
We are thankful to the Ministry for giving our beneficiaries and accompanying parents the opportunity to spend time at the different recreational centres.
3. Ministry of Arts and Culture
We are grateful for the support of the Ministry in the Art Exhibition Project we conducted for our Visual Artist-beneficiary.
4. Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS)
A big thank you to the MACOSS for its support in conducting our Flag Days and for the learning opportunities offered to our members through its different training programmes.
5. Municipality of Port Louis
We would not be able to carry out all of our planned activities without the help of the Municipality of Port Louis which gives us access to some of its municipal halls free of charge when required.
6. Sprema Engineering Works Ltd
We are indebted to Sprema Engineering Works Ltd for their trust and financial support.
7. Barclays Bank Ltd: Consumer and Banking Support and Compliance Team
Society for Living Angels is very grateful to the Consumer Banking Support & Compliance Team of Barclays Bank Ltd for having organised a memorable day out for our living angels and accompanying parents at Domaine les Pailles on 16th November 2013.
8. Sangamum Arts Group
On the 21st of December 2013, Mrs Revathi Sunassee (O.S.K.), Director of Sangamum Arts, invited some of our beneficiaries together with their parents to their annual function. Society for Living Angels is very grateful to Amma Sunassee and the whole Sangamum Arts team for the love and special attention they gave to our living angels, the beautiful dance performances, their very thoughtful gifts, encouraging words and their inclusive approach.
9. Bronze Peacock Ltd
We are very grateful to Bronze Peacock Ltd for their trust and financial assistance.
10. Data Communications Limited
Deep thanks to Mr Ganesh Ramalingum, CEO of DCL for kindly loaning us IT equipment for our sensitization campaign.
11. Mauritius Turf Club
We are very thankful to the MTC for inviting our living angels to spend a day at the races and the special arrangements made for them.
12. Immaculée Church
We are obliged to the church for frequently providing us with premises at Centre Social Marie Reine de la Paix to organise our activities.
13. Ramalingar Illam Association
Many thanks to Ramalingar Illam Association situated at Ste Croix, for kindly allowing us permission to conduct our activities on their premises.
14. HHTC Ltd
We are grateful to Mr Kheealee Hurloll and Mrs Prang for conducting workshops on Mental Health and First Aid.
15. Garage Ravin
Loads of thanks to Garage Ravin, Terre Rouge for their trust and financial support.
Thank you so much for believing in and kindly supporting us.
Without our volunteers, we do not stand. A BIG THANK YOU:-
Volunteer Resource Persons : Dr Ramkoosalsing, Ms Keshinee Honajee, Ms Sweety Curpen and her team, Mr S. Roy, Mr Ismet Ganty, Mr Pradeep Jugutpal
Friends of Living Angels : Julie Chaton, Nitish Buljeean, Zahirah Ruhomutally, Nadarajen Rungien, Malen, Selvina Ramen, Taruna Buljeean, Dylan Montille, Brian Chueng, Avikesh Buljeean,Sarah Umrit, Shaan, Joan Joly, Arlaine Augustin,Ketan Vagade